(from TodoTango.com)
Pianist, leader and composer (January 7, 1903 – January 12, 1960)
Nickname: El Señor del Tango 

He, as nobody else, knew how to combine the rhythmic cadence of tango with a harmonic structure, apparently simple, but full of nuances and subtleties.He was not enrolled for any of the two streams of his time. His was neither a traditional orchestra, styled after Firpo or Canaro nor a follower of the De Caro renewal. Di Sarli imposed a seal of his own; a different musical profile, which remained, unaltered throughout his prolonged career.In the beginning, his sextet reveals us the influence of Osvaldo Fresedo.

And certainly there would have never been a Di Sarli had Fresedo never existed. But, only as necessary forerunner of a style that, with time, would become a pure model with its own and differentiated nature. He was a talented pianist, maybe one of the most important, who conducted his orchestra from his instrument, with which he mastered the synchrony and the performance of the outfit.In his orchestral scheme there were not instrumental solos, the bandoneon section sang at times the melody, but it had an essentially rhythmic and danceable role. Only the violin was showcased in an extremely delicate way, on a brief solo or on a counter melody.The piano led in a suggesting way, with an embellished bass line, which turned into a trademark of the maestro, linking the bars of the piece and stressing the delicate, elegant rhythm, especially for dancing.

Sample Tango Music by Rodolfo Biagi

The songs below are representative of tango music as a whole. There are three types of Tango music that you’ll hear at a Milonga (a tango dance party):

1.) Tango, which is 4/4 time, meaning there are 4 beats per measure.
2.) Milonga, which is a style of music, a dance party itself, and a style of dance done to the style of music. Milonga music is typically 2/4 time, meaning there are 2 beats per measure and has a very distinctive type of rhythm which is known as the ‘Habanera’ Rhythm.
3.) And lastly there is Vals music which has a very distinctive ‘lilt’ to the music indicative of 3/4 time signature or 3 beats per measure.

Carlos Di Sarli – Don Juan – Tango Example.

Carlos Di Sarli – Estampa Federal – Vals Example.

Carlos Di Sarli – Zorzal – Milonga Example.

Habanera Rhythm Used In Milonga Music